Wenn du im Schatten der Bäume mit geschlossenen Augen den Gesang der Wellen lauschst und du das Salz des Meeres auf deiner Haut spüren kannst? Oder wenn du mit Freunden in Lachen und angeregten Gesprächen den glutroten Schein der untergehenden Sonne feierst?
Courtesy of EL FENN
With 31 individually styled rooms and suites, three swimming pools, a 1,300 square metre roof terrace, a spa, 2 cocktail bars and shop - plus a family of resident tortoises - El Fenn is the perfect boutique hotel from which to discover the beauty of Marrakech.
In October 2021 we've been recognised as one of the Top Hotels in Northern Africa in the Condé Nast Readers' Choice Awards.
"It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside."
— Maud Hart Lovelace, American Author
"In Summer the song sings itself!"
— William Carlos Williams, American Poet
Ästhetik pur, Large Room, EL FENN
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